Обращение от Администрации Клуба


Date:31 Oct 2020


Happy Halloween



The Swedish Congress website



Registration is now on hold at the website above for the 2021Sweden Congress


Join 31 Other Nation's Submariners for fun and travel; once this virus is gone.

Dear Guests of Saint-Petersburg Club!  

We are happy to offer you an individual programme for any visit you make to Saint-Petersburg! 

During your stay here you'll be able to visit the most important and interesting maritime and Naval attractions, circus, cathedrals, theatres and museums of Saint-Petersburg.

Registration is now open on the website above for the 2021Sweden Congress


Join 31 Other Nation's Submariners for fun and travel; once this virus is gone.


Consider becoming a member of the ISA-USA; you will benefit in many ways.

Registration is now open on the website above for the 2021Sweden Congress


Join 31 Other Nation's Submariners for fun and travel; once this virus is gone.


Consider becoming a member of the ISA-USA; you will benefit in many ways.

I sadly report to you the sad news that 

Registration is now open on the website above for the 2021Sweden Congress


Join 31 Other Nation's Submariners for fun and travel; once this virus is gone.


Consider becoming a member of the ISA-USA; you will benefit in many ways.

Переход на старый сайт Клуба

http://old.submarinersclub.ru - старая версия сайта Клуба по состоянию на 26.09.2016г.

Больше не обновляется! Использовать как архив!


«Санкт-Петербургский Клуб моряков-подводников и ветеранов ВМФ» сообщает:


С 28 марта до 5 апреля 2020 года КЛУБ ЗАКРЫТ согласно указаний Президента РФ В.В.Путина. 

В случае необходимости просим звонить на моб тлф 8-995-599-85-34  Александре

или писать на эл.почту Клуба SUBCLUB@MAIL.RU